Project Detail
Sitka has a runway created largely by filling in between small islands facing the Gulf of Alaska. The runway is unique in that both ends terminate at the ocean, yet is long enough for a 737 jet to land and take off.
The Federal Aviation Administration, in cooperation with the Alaska Dept. of Transportation contracted with PPM to place fill at the south end of Runway 29 for future extension of the paved runway surface.
The fill quantity required was in excess of 500,000 CY. Fill material included 60,000 CY of Armor Stone weighing 8,500 to 17,000 pounds ea., 160,000 CY Type A filter stone graded between 600 and 2,600 pounds, and 314,500 CY of 8-in minus Type B material. While most material was sourced locally, the Armor Stone had to be mined by PPM from a granite quarry near Prince Rupert, BC and barged to site.
Placement of material was required to be done from the water. Riprap stone was precision placed with the aid of RTK GPS. Material was placed using a bottom dump barge; barge mounted crane and skip box; and barge mounted excavator and clamshell. PPM maintained tight control of the rock placement by performing daily multi-beam surveys.